Air Group 29
"The Fighting 29"


Fighter Squadron VF 29
Torpedo Squadron VT 29


Statistics of Air Group 29

Destroyed: 160
Probably Destroyed: 10
Damaged: 150
Total: 320

Number of Aces: 12
Total aircraft shot down by aces: 68.83
Average number aircraft destroyed per ace: 5.73
Total enemy aircraft destroyed: 160
Destroyed to loss ratio: 9/1

Airfields attacked: 44

Shipping sunk: ( 25,600 tons ) 23 Ships
Shipping damaged: ( 65,600 ) 45 Ships
Total: ( 91,200 tons ) 68 Ships

Small craft sunk: 21 Ships
Small craft damaged: 105 Ships

Total Combat Sorties
Combat Air Patrol ( engaged enemy ): 811
Total combat missions: 112
Total hours flown: 9,811.6
Total number of bombs dropped: 457
Total tonnage of bombs: 130
Total rounds fired .50 calibre: 565,190


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